Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Model Lodge holds its annual Temple Cup golf tournament mainly to raise funds for the continuing construction of its Masonic Temple.

For this year's edition, Model Court included the tournament in its year-long calendar of diabetes awareness activities and designed a public campaigning plan with the primary message of "Play Golf, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels!".

After the tournament, Model Court feted SK Amidon Nicolas who was celebrating his birthday, and who with SK Eduardo Sayco are the two movers of the annual Temple Cup.

Friday, September 9, 2016


The Grand Visit

HL Elspeth Deborah Gille & SK Gilbert Gille 
Grand Royal Matron and Patron
Model Court No. 55
09 September 2016 

A Grand Amaranthine Fellowship

A Sir Knight serenades the Grand Couple... 

...and the Honored Ladies dance for them...

...while the Wine of Joy flowed during a Fellowship Night tendered by District V for the GRM and GRP.

Model Court 55 in 46, 54, 17 & 31

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Grand Royal Elspeth Deborah Gille and Grand Royal Patron Gilbert was warmly received by a welcoming committee led by DDGRM Preciline Andaya and DDGRP Ireneo Dones Sr. and their Royal Matrons and Patrons as the Grand Couple arrived in Nueva Ecija for their 3-day Official Visit to all subordinate Courts of District V.

The Grand Couple is scheduled to visit Pantabangan-Bonari Court No. 46 in the morning of September 8 and San Jose City Court No. 55 in the afternoon, Munoz Royal Court No. 17 in the afternoon of September 9, and Nueva Ecija Court No. 31 in the afternoon of September 10. 

On the morning of September 9, the Grand Couple will be hosted by Model Court No. 55 where the members have prepared a red carpet welcome for them. 

PHOTO CREDIT: SK Mario Guerrero (first photo) and HL Jocelyn Dela Cruz (last photo)

Sunday, September 4, 2016


A District-wide Amaranthine Education session was recently convened by DDGRM Preciline Andaya and DDGRP Irineo Dones Sr. with the primary objective of enhancing the proficiency of District V's subordinate Courts on Amaranthine knowledge and rituals.

The session was attended by all Courts under the jurisdiction of District V and supervised by the Grand Lecturer herself, HL Elenita Alfonso (PGRM), with the assistance of all five of the District's incumbent Assistant Grand Lecturers.

In pursuit of further Amaranthine knowledge and skills, Model Court sent a sizeable delegation to the session led by its incumbent and past Royal Matrons, both old and new members, and both Honored Ladies and Sir Knights.  

PHOTO CREDIT: HL Haydee Floro and HL Jocelyn Dela Cruz.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Jennylyn Ermita was still in elementary grade when Model Lodge No. 373 selected their school as the first recipient of its "Adopt-a-School Project.

Like most of the students of the Rogelio Valdezotto Elementary School during that time, she came from a poor rural family.

Her parents eke a living as farm laborers in Sto. Domingo town's Sitio Pudyot and they have a large family to feed.

Hence, Jennylyn was forced to stop going to school after finishing 3rd year high school so she can help her parents support her siblings.

But Jennylyn have a dream, and with that dream comes the hope that someday, she will be able to go to college, get a degree, find a decent job, and be able to adequately help her family.

She took and passed an Alternative Learning System qualifying examination for college.

But her family simply can not afford to send her to college.

That's when Model Lodge and Model Court heard her story and decided to make Jennylyn's dream come true.

They pooled donations from among themselves and today, Jennylyn is now enrolled as a first year student of the Central Luzon State University.

Jennylyn is the first scholar to be supported by both Model Lodge and Model Court.

For Model Court, helping her is not just another charity project but a big affirmative action for female members of rural families whose poverty further magnifies their marginalization and vulnerability.  

PHOTO CREDIT: Bro Dean Barry Lao