"The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love." --- HUBERT H. HUMPHREY
The Court is thankful to the Great Architect of the Universe that no major crisis has befallen its members during the First Quarter of the Amaranthine Year.
But there were those who needed to seek medical attention and spend some time in the hospital, and it is inherent upon the Court to respond in solidarity and at the very least emphatize with them:
In observance of their privacy at their delicate moments, photos of these visits will not be posted except that of the Royal Patron who gave his consent.
To all who have been sick, the Court wishes them well and offer the following prayer:
The Court is thankful to the Great Architect of the Universe that no major crisis has befallen its members during the First Quarter of the Amaranthine Year.
But there were those who needed to seek medical attention and spend some time in the hospital, and it is inherent upon the Court to respond in solidarity and at the very least emphatize with them:
SK Manuel Francisco (PRP) on April 21
SK Shubert Ciencia (RP) on May 23
HL Jocelyn Villanueva-Dela Cruz (PRM) on June 5
HL Haydee Francisco-Floro (PRM) on June 27
In observance of their privacy at their delicate moments, photos of these visits will not be posted except that of the Royal Patron who gave his consent.
To all who have been sick, the Court wishes them well and offer the following prayer:
"Almighty and merciful Father
By the power of your command
Drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease
Restore strength to my body and joy to my spirit
So that in my renewed health
I may bless and serve you
Now and forever more."