Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Friday, July 22, 2016


"The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love." --- HUBERT H. HUMPHREY

The Court is thankful to the Great Architect of the Universe that no major crisis has befallen its members during the First Quarter of the Amaranthine Year.

But there were those who needed to seek medical attention and spend some time in the hospital, and it is inherent upon the Court to respond in solidarity and at the very least emphatize with them:

SK Manuel Francisco (PRP) on April 21
SK Shubert Ciencia (RP) on May 23
HL Jocelyn Villanueva-Dela Cruz (PRM) on June 5
HL Haydee Francisco-Floro (PRM) on June 27

In observance of their privacy at their delicate moments, photos of these visits will not be posted except that of the Royal Patron who gave his consent.

To all who have been sick, the Court wishes them well and offer the following prayer:

"Almighty and merciful Father
By the power of your command
Drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease
Restore strength to my body and joy to my spirit
So that in my renewed health
I may bless and serve you
Now and forever more."

Thursday, July 21, 2016


One of the innovations introduced to the Court's regular meetings this year is the inclusion of an "AGL's Hour" in the agenda where the Assistant Grand Lecturer is given the floor to discuss topics on Amarathine Education that the members themselves requested through a learning needs assessment.

Through this innovation, enhancing the members' knowledge, skills, and attitude is assured which is important in nurturing their further appreciation of the Order's relevance.

NOTE: The "AGL's Hour' includes the demonstration and review of floorworks which is not shown here to protect the integrity of the Order.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Upon her installation, the Royal Matron convened an Executive Committee composed of herself, the Assistant Grand Lecturer, the immediate past Royal Matron, and the Associate Royal Matron and Patron to oversee an organizational and membership process, and to consult with the Assistant Grand Lecture on how to respond to the Amaranthine Education needs of the Court's members.

The Executive Committee first met on 20 May 2016 before the month's regular stated meeting where the proposed work and financial for the year, the rationalization of the Court's accounts, and the holding of a regular AGL's Hour for Amaranthine Education during meetings were discussed and agreed.

On its second meeting on 17 June 2016, the Executive Committee finalized the Court's annual financial plan and Amaranthine Education on floorworks for the Court's upcoming regular meeting.

On 15 July 2016, the Executive Committee again met to supervise a review of the preparations and floorworks for the upcoming Official District Meeting to Model Court.

With the assistance of the Executive Committee, the responsibility of managing the affairs of the Court becomes a collective effort which is the purpose of every organization.

More than that, the Executive Committee also serves as a platform in discussing emerging concerns that needs to be resolved, and ensures that meetings are organized and facilitated well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


We just don't wear gowns and barongs. 

We also wear shirts and pants and let our hairs down once in a while to "suck out all the marrow of life".

Be it an invitation to lunch...


...a Mothers' Day, or just letting off steam after a Court activity.

The world, after, all is more than doing charity work, attending meetings, and getting immersed in Amaranthine Education but also letting the wine of joy flow to further cement the bond of friendship that keeps Model Court No. 55 together.

Monday, July 18, 2016


May 21, 2016
Number of attendees: 22 

HIGHLIGHTS: [1] Draping Ceremony in loving remembrance of the late HL Leovegilda Escueta (PRM), [2] presentation and approval of the Court's 2016-17 work plan, [3] Amaranthine Education on the roles and responsibilities of officers and members.

June 18, 2016
Number of attendees: 23

HIGHLIGHTS: [1] Presentation and approval of the Court's Financial Plan for 2016-17, [2] Fathers'Day fete for the Sir Knights present, [3] announcement of the first petition to join the Court. 

July 16, 2016
Number of attendees: 51

HIGHLIGHTS: [1] Official visit of DDGRM Preciline Bugtong and DDGRP Irineo Dones Sr., [2] launching of the Court's online newsletter, [3] first petition given due course.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


"If you are not in the web, you don't exist!"

Yes indeed and with the intention of being able to share its work to the broader public, Model Court's online newspaper was launched with a single click on the mouse by DDGRM Preciline Andaya and DDGRP Ireneo Dones Sr. during their official visit to the Court. 

By getting online, Model Court is now officially a netizen of the worldwide web, literally within the reach of the finger tips as long as there is an internet connection, a paperless and therefore environmentally sensitive way of sharing its story, cheap and easy to maintain, and easily accessible.

Just Google search "Model Court 55" and we will pop out of your desk tops, lap tops, tablet, and smart phones.    

But the online newsletter was created not just for social media purposes but to also enable the Grand Court of the Philippines to track in real time the progress of the Court's work, to download collaterals that it may need for its own purposes, and to provide immediate feedback to the Court through the blog's comment button.

It is also a milestone into the continuing evolution of the Court as a mature, functional, responsive, and efficient organization.

The online newsletter was designed for easy reading, more photos and less text, the text short and crisp; and to be easily navigated, with featured activities organized into the dates these were undertaken, and labelled according to the GRM and GRP'S FRIENDS program thrust.  

Saturday, July 16, 2016


This day in Model Court, DDGRM Preciline Bugtong-Andaya and DDGRP Irineo Dones Sr. concluded their official visits to all subordinate Courts of the Order of the Amaranth's District V (Central Luzon).

To mark the occasion, they were presented by RM Baby Liza Ciencia with commemorative plaques and official jerseys of the Court as remembrances of their visit that was highlighted by the launching of the Court's online newsletter.

The DDGRM and the DDGRP were feted by members of the Court afterwards with the Sir Knights in full force to demonstrate why the Court deserves to be recognized as having the most number of active male members at least in District V.

The visit was the fifth and last to be made by the DDGRM and DDGRP which also took them to Pantabangan-Bonari Court No. 46, Nueva Ecija Court No. 31, Munoz Royal Rizal No. 17, and San Jose City Court No. 54.

Pantabangan-Bonari Court No. 46 (11 June 2016)

Nueva Ecija Court No. 31 (24 June 2016)

Munoz Royal Court No. 17 (25 June 2016)

San Jose City Court No. 54 (02 July 2016)  

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Each month of July every year, subordinate Lodges of Masonic District RIII-D troop to Baler, Aurora for their quarterly District meeting and to plant mangrove trees along a stretch of the Pacific coastline that has been adopted as a mangrove regeneration project by the Manuel L. Quezon Memorial Lodge No. 262.

Model Court planned to attend this year's mangrove tree planting until the District Diabetes Awareness Day clashed with the schedule.

Taking up the cudgels for the Honored Ladies of the Court who were obliged to attend the District Diabetes Awareness activity in Cabanatuan City, the Sir Knights led by Past Royal Patron Jojit Floro with Court Treasurer Fitzgerald Hierco and Court Secretary Angelito Dela Cruz went to Baler where after planting their own mangrove trees, planted more in behalf of Model Court and its Honored Ladies.

Then they travelled back to Nueva Ecija where they joined the rest of the Court for the District Diabetes Awareness Day.    

Saturday, July 9, 2016


The Early Birds

Model Court with Munoz Royal Court and representatives of the Pantabangan-Bonari Court was there first. 

Opening Ceremonies

DDGRM Preciline Andaya-Bugtong with DDGRP Irineo Done Sr. and Dr. George Tan formally opened the day-long free diabetes clinic.

The Clinic

From blood pressures to FBS to cholesterol to triglycerides to A1C to BMI to ABI and even eyesight! 

To healthy food by a celebrity chef to workouts by celebrity fitness gurus and intermissions too!  

Conclusion and an Amaranthine Fellowship

After the plaques have been awarded is of course the photo sessions and regular Model Court Amaranthine fellowship.